One of my favorite memories as a child is from my grandparents old house hydraulic mosaics tile floors. All of the rooms had different styles. Those floors were my first encounter with design in general. I used to stare at the floors trying to figure out where they connected one another. I developed a deep fascination for these kind of floors and patterns. I am sure that it comes from growing up in them.
That house is currently empty. The last time I went in to it, I took the picture from the balcony floor. Thats the picture at the top pf this blog post. I like to trace old floors designs and figure out how the pattern was put together. Some times I pick one or two elements and create something new out of it. Because my grandma's house is so special to me, I decided to use one of the tiles flowers to make a pattern.

I added one of my grandmas quotes to the design. She used to say to all of her grandchildren the frase “cuenta hasta diez”. Which means "count till ten". She was referring to, that we should count till ten, or even more, to answer to someone that just made us mad. Until this day those words resound on my mind every time I get mad.
I can imagine this pattern on a baby onesie. Just as I learned to walk on those pattern tiles, someday, maybe my kids could also learn to walk wearing the same kind of patterns. Wouldn't that be special?
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